EZ Here,

Wanting to send a friendly not-financial advise encouragement to Zombies everywhere as we head into a choppy, and seemingly downtrended market during the holiday season. I've been feeling very paternal as of late, so wanted to send a heartfelt message to Zomboys and Zomgirls everywhere.

Bull or Bear, RugZombie Don't Care

As you know, we don’t really concern ourselves with short term price at RugZombie. We are a long term project with a strong core team, solid fundamentals, ambitious goals, and stellar partners. Simply put, we care more about the project and development related features than we do about short term price action! We are laser focused on providing utility for NFTs in innovative and boundary pushing ways!

But we do understand that many in our community do care about market conditions in the short term! Market cap is, generally speaking, a reflection of community sentiment surrounding a project and the market overall! When the market bleeds, it hurts, especially if you hold smaller cap tokens, you tend to feel the downturns the most.

Combine this general anxiety in the market due to outside forces with the holiday cash-out where people are realizing gains for shopping AND beginning tax preparation, it is understandable why market participants are nervous!

HODL Obi Wan Kenobi, It's Your Only hope!

I just wanted to offer a simply holiday message of excitement for what is to come. 🙂 If you are a $ZMBE holder, we have big new years plans (hope you will join us live on Dec 29th, in the evening 8PM EST on telegram). We think our community will be VERY excited about the developments we have regarding our marketplace, gaming, and more. We will reveal our 2022 roadmap at that LIVE session on the 29th.

From a tokenomics perspective, our team thinks we are right where we want to be! We are not worried about rampant emissions (remember our goal of being emission neutral?), we are not worried about project funds (we are slightly ahead of schedule for our project to pass our breakeven point!).

Remember, we fair launched this project, did not solicit early investor funds or try to do a presale! This requires a different orientation toward success!

Market-cap, and daily trading volume are lower than we would want, and exposure has not quite hit the mark, but again, most of this is an expression of market sentiment and is not controllable by our team!

We have adjusted some minor portions of our release schedule in accordance with the market (not any major changes such as games, just grave release timing as an example)

Some Holiday Cheer and Hopium

When things seem quiet, you can bet that our devs are hard at work, delivering on our roadmap as we have each and every step of the way (I think we have delivered 95% of what we have stated, with a few delays do to thoughtful consideration rather than inability to perform).

We also want you to know we are actively looking for and preparing to hire a marketing director for the project and all our related ecosystems! We think this will help our community have even more confidence in a downtrended market. We are also very close to officially having a front end react engineer as a full-time hire which should accelerate development even faster.